Even with the Social Media boom, Sales gurus like Sabri Suby still swear by email marketing being the biggest player in lead funnelling, and for good reason.
There are two big questions that have to be answered:
1. Who do you send these emails to?
2. Why would they want to open them?
Answer them with conviction, and you will start signing new customers in no time. How to answer? Simple.
1. - Choose your target audience, and place your funnel right where most people even remotely interested in your niche hang around.
2. - Offer actual value in that email. There's no such thing as "industry secrets", just bite-sized value offered to the right people. Once they can trust you, they'll want to start buying.
You have to keep in mind to have a reliable service, keep it concise and short, make it look simple but pretty, and be consistent.
You can address prospects locally, do on a industry/sector/niche basis, or have them sign up for a valuable newsletter - whichever your choice is, you can make it happen.
If you'd like help with sourcing those lists, writing the emails and delivering them to the right audience, feel free to choose from one of the Standard packages, or let us hear your thoughts by Booking a call.
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